Welcome To Neek23’s Weekly Newsletter!✨

Neek23 is a boutique R&D firm, currently exploring topics like: charter cities, tools for thought, novel financial instruments, institution building, megaprojects, existential risks, human capital development, knowledge infrastructures, and more (check out our HQ Dashboard for the latest!).

This is a weekly newsletter that covers our progress as we explore these topics. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Links to resources we’ve explored recently & correspondent tweetstorm summaries.

  • Links to our latest analyses/deep-dives.

  • 3-4 ideas, findings, questions, provocations, or prompts that have been top of mind recently.

  • Updates on the various experiments we’re trying to run. Ranging from a series of LPOs (Learning Public Offerings) to an Alt-Account Twitter Accelerator, to building a financial model for bottoms-up charter cities.

  • Shout outs & Signal boosts for interesting, under the radar organisations and people, working in the areas that we’re exploring.

Who Writing This?

Hey, I’m Krish 👋

I’m currently studying Law at Birkbeck in London and bootstrapping Neek23 (the aforementioned boutique R&D agency).

The closest thing to peering inside my brain is by looking at my are.na collections, learning journal forum, and twitter @krishkhubchand.

The second best way to peer into my brain is by having a conversation with me. HMU via Telegram, Twitter, or Calendly.

I love speaking to new people, learning how they see their world, what their personal/intellectual histories are, and what they’re doing right now. Always seeking new collaborators and co-conspirators. So, don’t hesitate to reach out. Especially if you’re interested in any of the buzzwords I’m currently exploring!

The internet can be a bit faceless, so here’s a picture of myself and my sister who is 1000x cooler than me 😋

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ideas that i've just got to get out of me
